Sunday, January 25, 2015

THE ACCIDENT by Chris Pavone is a wonderful followup to his debut THE EXPATS

I love thrillers, mysteries and suspense...they are my favorite genres and Chris Pavone has satisfied my craving again with THE ACCIDENT. This is not a sequel to THE EXPATS, but characters from his debut do show up in the current thriller. That is something I like about certain authors, they don't necessarily write sequels or prequels but bring familiar characters into their work, it is like going to a party and knowing one other or two other people there. In THE ACCIDENT a manuscript has been hand delivered to a literary agent; not on jump drive or disc but hard copy, I'll bet this hasn't happened to an agent in this digital age, but it did happen here. The manuscript, titled "The Accident" is the title of an expose written about Charlie Wolf, an all around greedy silver-spooner and the founder of Wolf Worldwide Media. This expose tells of an accident that occurred during college when a young woman was killed by Charlie Wolf's car. The killing was vehicular manslaughter, an accident, that was never reported by Charlie or his roommate Dave Miller who were involved. But that is not the only revelation in "The Accident," during the course of building his empire Charlie became involved with nefarious dealings involving the CIA and foreign governments. The manuscript is so inflammatory that numerous people, government spooks and industry insiders are desperate to squash the publication by finding the original manuscript, any illicit copies that may have been made, anyone who may have read the manuscript or part of the manuscript, and destroying everything and everyone involved or peripheral to this expose. These people are serious about keeping secrets secret. Something else quite interesting is the story takes place all in one day and by the end of the book you will feel like it was the longest day of the year. This is nail biting, edge of your seat reading. If you liked THE EXPATS you will love THE ACCIDENT.